How we land where we land

 We search for answers because we know that these answers are made first, then questions.

We are in search of all kinds of questions, of the ultimate of everything to comprehend the universe, what it is, why it is, how it is, so on and so forth so that once known, you can control it.

But, hey! It is not going to happen. Because, the answers that are found or seen made you question the question or rather these answers made you think of the question 

Such that these existences made you want to know of the source or origin

Forgetting the fact that all that exists now as well as the things we know and could remember are simply plausible happenings and mere one option of each; what it was and is- of all the things they could ever have.

Why this particular one is an answer without question. They are simply them without any reason or could be of any reason, we don't know.

The Big Bang happened.

And you believe that all the reasons and causes of the consequences are present but spread over the universe; of how which we are unaware.

This is because you search for the prior stage to its prior to its prior till you reach The Big Bang.

Though through many fields of studies you could decipher some, still it stays as a mystery.

Because, you never know the constituents of the choices happened of the infinite possibilities. So, is everything.

To deduce and to find is an impossible for the reason that the mediums are uncertain and unreliable.

A combined study of all the fields that too with all the probabilities - IMPOSSIBLE.

Still are many fields invented or discovered,

Erased and destroyed of many that were there,

Limited are the capacity as well as the sources to comprehend.

Finding an answer is an unending process: infinite as how the space is.

Your attempt is just a selfish motive with any purpose.

But if your studies make you encounter this truth and you acknowledge, you will live a life of consciousness, awareness and happy one since the result would be of no significance no matter what its nature is.

You live of your choice out of the things you know of. That's how it was, is and will be. Always a play of choices and it's a mind-game.


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