Layered Coverings

Running away
Running away, far far away 
From where? Nobody knows. 
At first from the failures.
Then from the fear of failures.
From the people, from the authorities, 
From the responsibilities, from the duties, 
From the elders, from the younger ones, 
From the teachers, from the officials, 
From the police, from the neighbours, 
From our enemies, from our friends, 
From our home, from our place, 
From our school, from our books, 
From certain topics, from certain relationships,
From the n number of things, 
From our own self, from our own selves.
We run, run, run and run
Knowing not where to. 

In the process, we try
We try to move 
Out of the space we are trapped in. 
We are all trapped.
We all are prisoned in innumerable jails; what we call anything under the norms of society. 
Even if it's freedom, it's the prison of created.
Freedom is a prison created of invisible walls which are not questioned. 
We do not question the limits and whereabouts of the freedom we are permitted to enjoy. 
We are cheated in the name of freedom, no matter what sphere. 

In the name of relationships, responsibilities, duties, studies, education, jobs, works;
In the name of talks, actions, thoughts, feelings, emotions;
In the name of being yourself also
You are not you. 
You are created.
You are created by and through all what you have been to. 
You are the product of what has been thrown at you. 
You have attitude created from the experience you had. 
You have perspectives emerged from what came your way. 
You have what you have because they are given unto you; 
In ways beyond the logical analysis. 
Things are provided into you through various medium, 
Through roads and journies travelled by you. 
You have taken those as a result of reasons happened in the past.
You have taken those for a purpose that may come in the future.
Know it or not is subjective 
When it comes to the awareness. 

Likewise, we are masking ourselves constantly 
Consciously, subconsciously and unconsciously 
Without interrupting, without failing.
We, keeping none apart, acting all the time. 
The way we eat, the way we speak, the way we talk, the way we walk, the way we move, the way we think, the way we do
The way we do each and everything is of a certain way.
The way we are in a certain way is the result of the customised training and conditioning by everyone around us. 
We are products. 
We are products of the time. 
And the product changes in time. 
The products change with time to fit the time.
To fit the time and space, we adopt, adapt and adept. 
We do.

All the masks we internalised, 
All the attitude we have mastered, 
All the expressions we have made our own, 
All the thoughts we have taken,
All the actions we do, 
All the roles we undertake, 
All the duties we are attributed, 
All the responsibilities we made our own, 
All are nothing. 
All this is crap. 
The very precious 'You',
The 'You' everyone says is the 'being', 
The 'You' which you should not be compromising, 
There is no such thing. 
The so called 'You' is a non-existing phenomenon. 
The 'You' is an illusion. 
The 'You' is created. 
There is no pure You. 

One day, 
One day, the invisible come to visibility.
One day, the unknown will be known. 
One day, the hidden will be found.
One day, the unspoken will be spoken.
One day, the unseen will be seen. 
One day, one day, 
Like today, there is none out who is without mask. 
Wearing mask has become a task 
To prevent the health and well-being of the self. 
Exactly, similar the way it is our invisible masks.
To avoid, to escape, to get away from, to get rid of, to ignore, to stop, to start, to enjoy, to be in peace, to be happy, to be calm, to be anything, 
To be anything and to be everything, 
Mask has become our escape mechanism.


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